Harmony College Leaders (HCL) Scholarship Application
Harmony Education Foundation is pleased to announce the Harmony College Leaders(HCL) scholarship program. HCL scholarships are offered to Harmony alumni who are driven and passionate about helping and leading harmony college students succeed academically and professionally at their universities.
Harmony Public Schools has a long and proud history of its alumni’s college matriculation, persistence, and completion as well as their leadership. Over the years, hundreds of Harmony college students have made their marks at major universities and in various careers. Should you be selected for a College Leaders scholarship, this experience will help you expand your network, gain leadership skills, help college newcomers, and learn life skills that will last forever!
College Leaders Scholarship (CLS) recipients will gain professional, high quality, a resume-worthy experience that will help them strengthen their skills so they’ll become more successful in their chosen career or academic major. It will also give them the time of their lives because being an HCL scholarship recipient means having lots of fun. We invite you to read through and complete the application. We accept applications until all available HCL spots are filled.
There are certain HCL scholarship spots available for each of the target universities.
CLS is annual and $1,000/year.
We strongly encourage each HCL scholarship recipient to serve as one of the leadership positions available and current officers to continue their service at their university’s Harmony Alumni College Student Organizations (HACSO).
Review of applications begins on a rolling basis. Please note that you will be contacted by Harmony College & Career Success coordinator to participate in an interview after your application was submitted.
For any questions about this AWESOME opportunity please contact:
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form.
Any files that are uploaded will be shared outside of the organization they belong to.